
Home Renovation / Expansions

Residential and commercial projects require a professional approach. Our team specializes in space planning and program development services, ensuring that all home Renovations and Expansions are carried out correctly and to the highest standards.

We are experienced in tenant improvement projects and are knowledgeable in applying for and obtaining the necessary permits. With our expertise in renovations and expansions, you know you’re getting the best results.

Quality of work Cost & budget Time & PM

We guarantee that your home renovation or addition will be of the highest quality and meet your expectations. By choosing us, you're ensuring that your home improvement project will be done to a high standard, adding value to your home.

With our service, you'll get the most for your money. You won't have to worry about any unexpected costs because we'll make sure to stay within your budget. Plus, every project detail will be itemized, so you'll have complete peace of mind.

We understand that sticking to a schedule matters. At NYMC USA, we always strive to complete work on schedule, leaving no room for disruption to your life. Not only that, we keep in touch with you throughout the project and provide a plan and timeline to make sure you are always up-to-date. Make the right decision and experience utmost efficiency within any deadline.


  • New York, Florida, Nevada
  • (888) 881-NYMC (786) 788-NYMC


Please view our 2023 NYMC USA Dossiers for an easy-to-read guide on all the services offer.